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Emergency Planning and Management Services





JAS Environmental strongly advocates emergency response planning and training for facilities that use, store, or manage hazardous substances or environmentally sensitive materials.  While planning and training are often mandated by regulation, even facilities that are not required to can benefit from some level of basic planning and training. Simple, avoidable mistakes handling or storing hazardous materials can have very significant cost repercussions, including costs associated with loss of raw materials, direct clean-up costs, lost production/down-time costs, regulatory fines and/or litigation costs.


  • Spills plans are required under various federal and state laws for facilities that use or store certain types of hazardous materials, wastes or oil. Please visit our page on Federal and selected state spill planning requirements.

  • JAS Environmental has prepared SPCC, SWPPP and RCRA contingency plans for numerous commercial and industrial facilities.  For facilities that fall under multiple planning requirements, JAS Environmental has also prepared Integrated Contingency Plans that address these requirements in a single plan.  JAS Environmental also offers on-site spill training custom tailored to your facility’s specific needs.

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