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Environmental Investigations,  Clean-Up and Management of Contaminated Property 


Please see our white papers regarding environmental due diligence and risk-based site investigation and remediation: (due diligence white paper)
(risk-based site investigation remediation white paper)

  • Environmental Due Diligence – (Phase I/Phase II/Phase III) to support real property transfer and financial / business transactions. 

  • Site investigations design and implementation of  environmental sampling investigations for site characterization and to support risk assessment and remedial planning.

  • Risk Evaluation/Assessment and Site Remediation evaluating risks to human health and the environment posed by chemical contamination; planning and oversight of remedial actions at contaminated sites.

  • Brownfield Redevelopment and Voluntary Clean-ups  site investigation, design and implementation of cleanup and risk management strategies to support redevelopment of environmental impaired properties.

  • Enforcement Driven Site Closures   investigation and clean-up of environmentally impacted properties regulated under Superfund, RCRA, and related, state companion programs, including leaking underground storage tank (LUST)assessments and closures.


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